Twinkle On

TwinkleOn is an app for people to support local retailers who are in poverty. In major cities such as New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, the streets are filled with many poor small retailers, petty dealers and unemployed artists. They wait on the streets, struggling to sell their homemade products, some of them are older adults, single moms and even the disadvantaged people, but unfortunately they barely have any customers.

It is not because their prices are higher, their products’ qualities are worse or we are not kind-hearted, the most likely reason is that we may forget or ignore them. TwinkleOn is an app that can help poor local retailers to sell more products and give people opportunities to contribute to charity.

Find Your Local Retailers In One Go

You can find your favourite local retailers right through the homescreen & the map screen of the app. This will make you feel at home...

TwinkleOn Is Available Across Devices

Twinkle On app is cross platform friendly & is available on multiple platforms.The app can be installed on almost every device of present times...

How It Works

TwinkleOn will locate where the users are, and then provide information of the sellers nearby. Users can see what the retailers are selling, and choose what they need to buy. All the retailers’ products have been listed and sorted into different categories, so users can easily search specific item.

Users can also see descriptions of the sellers’ family circumstances, which will be complied into a database. If the location is too far, the customers can directly contact the sellers, and get the items delivered with extra payment. After the transaction is complete, customers and sellers can take a photo together, and the app will add a special mark on the photo. After posting the photo online, more people can know TwinkleOn and contribute more to the poverty.

Logo Composition
Color Palette
Our Strategies

The development cycle for any application, or website consists of several distinct phases. Each phase has corresponding user research practices that inform the design and UXD activities that generate the design. Twinkle On helps you explore opportunities and unmet user needs.

We identified a comprehensive list of requirements. Then we sketch and test design ideas that capture identified user requirements and business goals. Finalize and test the design to ensure it will meet or exceed acceptance criteria when measured according to agreed-on metrics. Identify features and usability issues to be addressed in the next version...

App Icon

The word twinkle has been used in relation to several things including mood, productivity, and effortlessness; however its real meaning is strictly related to retail exploration. For this reason, I came up with the word Twinkle On, which stands for the 'Twinkle' exploration is ‘On’.

Features & Technologies

Twinkle On app gives you a whole lot of features assisting retail business & helping add value for customers.This helps customers with a wide variety of options across range...


We help you discover all your retailers in a single go


We follow a well defined process, which results in easy understanding & high proficiency

Video Presentation

Here’s a working model of our mobile app